Thursday, June 25, 2009

My apologizes...

It saddens me to know that Myspace is officially NOT the number 1 networking site. Millions are losing their jobs and sooner or later Myspace will be belly up in a landfill of once great ideas. For some reason I feel like It's sort of my fault. I mean ever since I made a declaration of my leaving myspace and moving on to Facebook well... Myspace has drop it's number one spot and Facebook has become the next big thing. It goes to show you that when a famous celebrity opens their mouth and says something people actually listen and follow. So, hears the deal. I'm starting a campaign to bring myspace back to it's number one spot. That's why I am dusting off the old cobwebs and re-launching my myspace. Help me make America a better place.

God Bless you all!
(If you are a band that I don't like or a mean person I won't add you. I only want happy people.)


  1. you want to make America better....get Jon and Kate back together... oh God... why them?

  2. they are finding themselves and while they are doing that they are finding other people...
